Plan B One-step birth control in CVS Pharmacy, Boston, MA.Plan B One-step birth control in CVS Pharmacy, Boston, MA.

Following last week's Supreme Court ruling, the chain is removing the purchase limit on emergency contraceptives.

The reversal comes as sales have fallen back to normal levels and will be made in stores and online over the next 24 hours.

The limit on emergency contraceptives went into effect on Saturday. Customers were not allowed to buy more than three at a time in order to ensure equitable access.

The purchase limit for both Plan B One Step and Aftera was still in effect as of late Tuesday.

Amazon has a limit on emergency contraceptives according to CNBC. A Walmart representative said Tuesday that many of the chain's products have online purchase limits in place. There is no purchase limit for emergency contraceptives at Walgreens.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, emergency contraceptive pills are different from medication abortion, or abortion pills, which require a prescription and involve taking two different pills within 10 weeks of pregnant woman.

CNBC contributed to this report.