He's going to check in to a new treatment facility after he was found. The gossip website has learned.

The camp of Bam tells us. There was a man at a hotel in Florida.

Police showed up along with a crisis intervention team that included the mother and father. His camp says they held an intervention on the spot, with other members of his family calling in to talk to him.

According to Bam's camp, he was told to get treatment before he could see his child.

Bam agreed to check in to a new facility and is currently on his way.

The sheriff's office said that they made contact with Bam on Monday night and he was found safe.

Margera bails because he's worried his son will never see him again if he stays in rehabilitation.

Margera is hoping that her son will get the help he needs by going back to the Florida rehab center.

The "Jackass" star is supported by his wife and son, who are 4 years old. She doesn't know where he is and she is worried about his safety.

He left the LifeSkills residential facility because he was worried he wouldn't get to see Phoenix again.

Bam, Nikki and Phoenix Together

She moved to Florida to be closer to him, but she thinks she's being blamed for his departure.

She's still supporting and praying that he gets the help he needs.