Blizzard Entertainment

There are no longer days left for the original Overwatch. The six-year-old game will end after the October 4th launch of the new game.

The current live service will be replaced by OW2 when it launches.

The 6v6 format will no longer be used, and the assault game will no longer be used, as the changeover will add a lot of new content. The news came as a bit of a surprise since it was thought that the two games would coexist. The current director of the game and the former game director of the game discussed a scenario in which players who upgraded to OW2 would still be able to play with those who didn't.

With the switch to a free-to-play model, there was no reason to keep the two games separate. The development team commented on the comment.

The goal is to not divide the player base and to make the transition to the second game seamless. When Overwatch 2 launches as a free to play live service game on October 4th, it will replace the current build. The unlocked content players will carry over to the players in the second game.

loot boxes will have their contents automatically added to your inventory and any unused coins will also transfer if you are worried about the sunset of the prime features in the upcoming game. The old coins won't be able to buy everything on offer when a new currency is created by the company.

There won't be a rating reset with the new game. A complete reset would mean that games would be completely unbalanced for weeks or longer across the entire service, and we don't think that will be a great experience for fans. A new decay system will be used in OW2 to make sure matches at all levels of the ladder are as equal as they can be.

I feel sad that all the new comes at the expense of the old. Relegating the game mode to custom matches will fundamentally change how I play the game because I will no longer be able to play it.

It is time for us to get in our last licks before the launch of the second game in the series.