According to a study published Monday in the journal Open Respiratory Research, people who reported using cannabis within the last year had a higher chance of going to the emergency room than people who didn't.
There was a correlation between cannabis and being hospitalized or visiting the ER.
According to the peer reviewed analysis of health records from more than one person, cannabis users had a significantly greater risk of being admitted to hospital or visiting the emergency room for any reason.
When factors like age, gender and other health issues were taken into account, cannabis users were 22% more likely to visit the ER or be hospitalized.
Respiratory problems and gastrointestinal issues were the most common causes of ER visit or hospitalization for cannabis users.
The results point to serious health risks associated with cannabis consumption and suggest rising recreational use around the world shouldn't be allowed to continue.
There was a lot of information behind the findings. The study can't be used to say that cannabis use causes higher hospital and ER visits. Factors researchers didn't account for could explain the findings. The small sample size of the study made it difficult for the researchers to estimate the difference in risk between cannabis users and non-cannabis users. Further research is needed to confirm the findings and find out if there is a link between all cause mortality and respiratory illness.
Despite being banned by the federal government, cannabis use is on the rise in the U.S. The growth of a cannabis tourism industry in states that legalized the substance that is worth an estimated $17 billion is a result of a strong majority of Americans supporting legalization, according to a recent poll. Some 37 states have legalized cannabis for medical purposes and though there is evidence some cannabis compounds, such asCBD, might be useful in treating issues like chronic pain, a lot is not known. Many of the purported health benefits from cannabis-derived products are over-hyped or false. The medical hype obscures the fact that cannabis is a drug and that it can cause harm to younger people. There is an increased risk of serious mental illnesses.
A hundred billion. The cannabis industry in America could be worth a lot in the future. Legal sales were worth an estimated $25 billion in 2011.
There is a $17 billion industry for cannabis tourism.
What is the location of cannabis legal? There is a guide to all 50 states.