An Israeli military technology startup called Camero-Tech has developed a device that it claims allows soldiers to see through walls.

According to the company's website, the Xaver 1000 can give intelligence units an unprecedented situational awareness 3D visual picture and can detect live objects behind walls and building obstacles.

Tactical teams will soon be able to get a detailed picture of what's going on behind obstructions, which will allow them to prepare for breaching urban environments.

During search and rescue operations, it could be used to identify trapped victims.

Radar Vision

The device is easy to operate and can be done by a single person. Data can be sent back to HQ via the internet.

The device can penetrate through most common walls and materials using a pulse-based, ultra-wideband radar.

An integrated ten inch touchscreen allows teams to view living objects behind almost any wall and can even tell if they are an adult, a child or an animal. They can be tracked by an artificial intelligence program.

The foldable antenna means that the device can be placed in almost any environment.

While we have yet to see the device in action, it could give ground teams a critical tactical advantage in the field, or even save lives during natural disasters.

Operators can see through walls with new Israeli technology.

The startup says it has created an invisible shield.