Similar successful efforts would be inspired by the tattoo petition. Almost a hundred Starbucks campaigns have been launched since then. Over 80,000 baristas have taken action on Coworker. Starbucks workers have claimed victory for a number of changes, including a six-week store closing during the Pandemic and expanded parental leave in the bathroom.

Starbucks does not base any of its policy changes on worker petitions. The company gets feedback from employees through a number of channels, including weekly meetings, surveys, a hotline, and a social media platform for managers. They said it had nothing to do with my petition. I'm sure.

It comes as no surprise that Starbucks employees have effected change since they have been active in the union efforts. She says that they hire people who look at themselves as activists outside of work. We would like to have a say in where we work.

Coworker petitions can drive awareness even when they don't change anything. Workers at Starbucks began to notice that their hours were being cut. The timing couldn't have been worse, summer was about to arrive, and people were thirsty for Frappuccino drinks. There is a petition on Coworker titled "Starbucks, Lack of Labor is Killing Morale" that was published by a barista in California. The labor shortage for baristas was a consistent experience according to a poll run by coworker.

He received a call from the man himself. The person says it was exciting. If the CEO of the company calls, action is going to happen. It didn't. The man says that he was transferred to the president of Starbucks Americas. He says the company gave him back pay for a promotion he didn't get and never addressed the staffing shortage. Quiet the messenger and forgo the message.

Starbucks employees have contributed 17,000 of the 25,000 signatures on the petition. It is still collecting signatures today. Staffing shortages are motivating some workers to unionize.

Starbucks understaffed stores and attributed the shortage to seasonal fluctuations, but Borges disagrees and the petition was published before Starbucks trims down staffing in late summer. Store managers can shut off various ordering channels in the event of a staff shortage.

In less than six weeks, more than 10,000 Starbucks employees signed a petition in support of Coworker. Starbucks employees became familiar with Prater due to his appearance on CNN. He used his connections to get a document outlining employees' top concerns and their impacts on shareholders, workers, and customers. He still gets weekly emails about Starbucks despite leaving the company.