Hugging Face, a company that hosts open source artificial intelligence projects, saw traffic to a tool called DALL-E Mini increase in volume.
An independent developer launched the app nearly a year ago. Its ability to sketch all manner of bizarre, hilarious, and even terrifying visions became meme magic after recent improvements. There is a video of a hamster in a sombrero attacking Tokyo and a video of Darth Vader breakdancing.
Hugging Face's server was overwhelmed with traffic as more people created and shared DALL-E Mini images on social media. Clément Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face, said that his engineers didn't sleep for the first night. It is difficult to serve these models at scale. DALL-E Mini has been serving up a lot of images.
The WIRED staff is hugging.
DALL-E Mini has a new way of making meme. It gives an early look at what can happen when tools that make imagery to order become widely available and a reminder of the uncertainties about their impact. Custom photography and artwork could transform art and help businesses with marketing, but they could also have the power to manipulate and deceive. There is a warning on the DALL-E Mini web page that warns of societal biases.
DALL-E Mini was inspired by a more powerful artificial intelligence tool called DALL-E. DALL-E is not open to the public due to fears that it will be used.
DALL-E was an example of a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence being quickly duplicated elsewhere. Boris Dayma is a machine learning consultant in Houston, Texas. The first version of DALL-E Mini was created at a Hackathon in July of 2021. Dayma has continued to improve on the first version that produced low-quality images that were hard to recognize. He changed the name of his project to avoid being confused with the original DALL-E project. Dayma is planning a premium version of his image generator and has a new website.
There are mini images with a distinctive alien look. People with missing or mangled faces can be seen in distorted and smudged objects. It is possible to see what it is trying to depict, and it is fun to compare the output of the artificial intelligence with the original prompt.