If you stay in a hotel through the Amex offers program, you can save money or earn bonus points if you stay longer. The new Amex hotel offer is for stays at Mandarin Oriental properties. You can save $100 when you spend $500 or more at select Mandarin Oriental properties. It is equivalent to being able to save up to 20% on a Mandarin Oriental stay with this offer. Know the following terms. Since those stays are billed directly by the hotel, you should be able to take advantage of the extra perks that come with being a member of the Fan Club. If you do the pre-paid option, you'll get 5x points, but the purchase would be billed by Amex, not the hotel. If you spend more than $500 on a Mandarin Oriental stay in the United States or select European cities, you can take advantage of a new Amex offer that will save you $100. If you're thinking of staying at a Mandarin Oriental this summer, this is a great deal. You should still be able to take advantage of this offer if you book through a similar program. Are you going to take advantage of the Mandarin Oriental Amex offers deal?Spend $500+ with Mandarin Oriental, save $100