You know about the importance of brushing your teeth, but have you thought about your diet? Sugar-laden products are some of the worst for teeth. Instead, eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to strengthen your teeth.

The impact of the food we eat on our teeth can be overlooked due to the amount of information about nutrition for weight loss. The best and worst foods for teeth will be covered here. We asked the experts how to properly care for their teeth.

It's the number one thing you can do to improve your smile. Twice a day, the American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth. Take your brushing routine to the next level by reading our guide to the best electric toothbrush.

The best and worst foods for teeth are studied.


The worst foods for teeth

Foods high in sugar

It's not only bad for your body, but it's also bad for your teeth as well.

Dr Victoria Veytsman, a celebrity cosmetic dentist, says that the acid by-product from the sugar in your mouth can cause tooth loss. Acid production is stimulated when sugar touches the plaque on your teeth. The acid attacks your teeth and makes you vulnerable to tooth decay.

There are dangers to eating sugar-laden foods. Increased sugar consumption is associated with higher levels of tooth decay, according to a review in the same journal.

Are you a fan of sweet tooth? Replacing snacks with gum is a good idea. Veytsman says that sugarless gum with Xylitol can increase saliva production.

Girl eating ice-cream.

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Citrus fruits

The acids and sugars found in lemons, oranges, and grapefruits are high. What did the result look like? According to the American Dental Association, erosion of the protective enamel is caused by a double dose of acid. It is better to eat fruit in moderation and as part of a meal to reduce acid production.

  • Related: Lemon water benefits: Are there any?

Simple carbs

Potato chips and white bread are not good for teeth. Potato chips are associated with higher levels of tooth decay according to research from 2011. Potato chips can get stuck in your tooth. You're at risk of tooth decay from these remnants of food. The same thing can happen with bread, which forms a paste that coats the teeth.

Do you want an alternate? Try to switch out simple sugars for complex sugars, such as 100% wholewheat breads.

Hard foods

You might be forgiven for thinking that ice is not harmful. Chunks of teeth can be caused by chewing ice. If you want to remove the temptation to chew ice, chill your drinks in the freezer or crush it.

Micro-cracks on the teeth can be caused by chewing on ice. Many of my patients come in with cracked teeth that need to be replaced with dental implants because they ate too much popcorn.

The best foods for teeth

Crunchy fruit and veg

Vegetables and fruit are great for your teeth. They can be used as a toothbrush and even remove plaque. Eating a lot of vegetables can be good for your health. The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that low vegetable intake was associated with higher levels of tooth decay.

saliva production helps to remove remnants of food when you eat vegetables. It's a bonus that saliva has trace amounts of calcium andphosphates.

Calcium-rich foods

Do you want to keep the problem under control? It is important that you have calcium in your body. The benefits of meeting your calcium needs include: Young women with lower calcium intake had an increased risk of oral disease, according to a study.

Milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium. Is it possible to eat a vegan diet? There are many plant-based alternatives that are rich in calcium.

image shows a young girl drinking a glass of milk

(Image credit: Getty Images)
  • Related: Is milk good for your teeth?

Lean protein

Chicken, fish, and eggs are some of the richest sources of Phosphorus. According to the American Dental Association, this mineral is important for rebuilding the teeth and protecting them from decay. It is beneficial to have low amounts of sugar in your diet.


A tooth-friendly snack would be nuts. According to the American Dental Association, they pack a punch with minerals such as calcium. Almonds can be used as an alternative to snack calories.

Tips for maintaining good oral hygiene

Veytsman says to go to the dentist regularly and brush and floss your teeth.

If you live in an area where the water isn't fluoridated, the American Dental Association recommends that you use fluoride toothpaste. In our reference guide, you can learn more about the effects of fluoride.

Flossing is important. It is a great way to clean those hard to reach spots. Here, you can learn how to floss.

The best electric toothbrush deals are available today.