Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor in Marvel's Avengers.

With the addition of Jane Foster to the roster of superheros in the game, it is no surprise that the game will feature her as a superhero. The bigger question for those who still play the game is how she would be portrayed. Crystal Dynamics released an animated short drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa that set the stage for her arrival, and it is an interesting way to include her in the heroic fisticuffs.

The biggest difference between the game and the comics is where she comes from. The game's version of Jane THOR is from a different time period, where she served as a shield for Earth and Asgard. After the All-Father disappeared, the universe went crazy with power and she allied with him. After the deal was done, he turned on her and threw her into the game.

It sounds like it could be a campaign worth playing, and one of the high points of the Avenger is its characterization. It would be interesting to see this version of THOR try to get on with people who are, in her eyes, alternate versions of the people she fought beside and lost. It is a shame that the campaign for "Mighty THOR" sounds less like a full blown campaign on the level of Black Panther and both Hawkeyes and more like a mini- event on the level of Spider-Man for PS users. She will be fun to play, but a world where she can breathe and actually be a character would be great.

Next week on June 28th, there will be a gameplay reveal for the movie.

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