According to the company, Mercedes-Benz's electric car traveled over seven hundred miles without stopping to charge.

The Vision EQXX traveled from Germany to the United Kingdom. The concept car was taken on a 626-mile drive, but Mercedes thought it could have gone much further.

The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.
The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.

People won't need to worry about where to charge up if electric vehicles can travel so far. Range anxiety is one of the biggest concerns for existing and would-be electric-car owners.

Mercedes-Benz beat all electric vehicles on sale today. The Model S can travel over 400 miles per charge according to the EPA. The most rangy vehicle on the market is the $169,000 sedan sold by a new startup.

The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.
The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.

The air conditioner in Mercedes ran for about eight hours. A/C can be a big drain on an EV's battery pack.

Mercedes doesn't intend to sell the car. The car was built to test new technology and explore the limits of EV range.

The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.
The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX.

Weight and air resistance are two of the biggest enemies of range, so Mercedes made the EQXX as lightweight and aerodynamic as possible. The swooping curves are the result of the Teardrop shape.

A new battery was created for the EQXX. It's the same capacity as the company's luxury car. Mercedes made the battery take up less space and weigh less.

The world probably doesn't need as much EV charging as it needs. We human beings can't drive for 14 hours without taking a break.