The deputy secretary for agriculture has said that the US will press on with the production of bio-diesel despite calls for it to stop using grain as a fuel.
The deputy secretary of agriculture said US farmers could continue to produce fuels. She met the UK government to discuss a possible trade deal and cooperation on food issues.
She said that the price of fossil fuels was important in keeping the climate crisis under control. She said that bio fuels have a positive impact on both climate change and the affordability of gas.
There are a lot of benefits that we feel are important. At a time when gas prices are so high, we will promote the use of bio fuels.
For years, the US has been the world's biggest producer of ethanol for use as a transport fuel, usually blended with petrol and distilled from maize, and one of the biggest producers of biodiesel.
The US Congress is facing a difficult set of mid-term elections this fall. The rising cost of living, higher fuel prices and concerns over the economy are making his team uneasy as they try to avoid a hammering in the polls.
Many US farmers get an increased market for their corn and oil as a result of the production of bio-diesel. It would be difficult to remove or reduce that market in a lot of states.
US farmers were able to produce both food and fuel. Our farmers are efficient enough to produce both corn for food and corn for fuel. She said that they were doing everything they could to increase productivity.
The government is under fire for watering down food standards.
As experts and green campaigners raised the alarm over the diversion of food resources into fuel capacity at a time when many developing countries are facing widespread hunger and in developed countries food prices are rising sharply, Bronaugh defended the use of renewable fuels.
Two studies published this week show that biofuels are having an effect. The Transport and Environment campaign group found that the EU and the UK were pouring 19 million bottles of cooking oil into petrol engines.
An extra 3.5 million people a year could be fed if the land abroad used to grow bioethanol for use in the UK alone, according to the Green Alliance.
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In response to the global food price rise, the UK government is said to be considering a reduction in the mixing of fossil fuel with renewable fuels.
George Eustice is the UK environment secretary. She said that Eustice wanted to smooth the path to imports of US farm products to the UK by proposing voluntary standards on animal welfare.
She said that US standards of animal welfare and farm products were already high. She said that they are always willing to talk and listen to ideas.