The 50-year-old precedent that legalized abortion nationwide has been reversed by the Supreme Court. Justice Samuel Alito, who has sat on the Court since 2006 and is a conservative, wrote the opinion and said that the court should overrule the decisions. The right to abortion is not protected by any of the constitutional provisions. The issue of abortion should be returned to the elected representatives. Alito had four justices sign on to his opinion. The concurring opinion was written by the Chief Justice. Roe was wrong from the beginning. A majority of the justices ruled that there was no right to an abortion under the constitution. In a joint dissent, the three liberal justices harshly criticized the majority's reasoning and lamented the public-health risks of reversing the court's decision. There were no exceptions for rape, incest, the health of the mother or physical abnormality of the fetus. The reversal doesn't mean that abortion becomes illegal in the country, it's up to the states to decide. Laws on the books in nine other states will severely restrict or outlaw the right to an abortion. The ruling is expected to lead to restrictions on abortion rights in many states. The abortion issue has been a hot-button topic for a long time. The leaked draft opinion was a big deal. An investigation was immediately launched to find the source of the leak. Chief Justice Roberts said that the leak wouldn't affect the justices' decision process. The results have not been made public. In advance of its summer recess, the Court issued a number of opinions, but everyone is focused on the issue of abortion.