<span>Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP</span>
Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

There is a chance that an elderly man was sitting in front of a television in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Donald Trump is a ratings guy and spends summers at his golf club. The hearings of the congressional committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol hit him where it hurts the most.

The fourth hearing shows how Trump destroyed people's lives.

According to reports, the former president has not liked what he has seen. As the panel has presented a carefully crafted case against Trump, he is said to be livid that there is no one in the room to speak up for him.

According to a close adviser, Trump has grown increasingly irate with the lack of defense by his Capitol Hill allies.

The hearings come too late to force his resignation and may or may not cause the justice department to press criminal charges, but they seem to be causing more political damage than anyone thought.

The Cannon Caucus Room, like a grand ornate ballroom with curtains closed and lights on, is bringing a gravitas to the nailed on Trump that no trickle of media revelations or tell-all memoirs can.

Photographers crowded around the witnesses just as the panel's chairman, congressman Bennie Thompson, brought down the gavel, and spoke of a "brazen attempt to use the justice department to advance the president's personal political agenda".

Liz Cheney summed up her central role in the conspiracy to overturn the election when she questioned former justice department officials. Kinzinger said that President Trump's disregard for the constitution and his oath would be exposed today.

All went well once again. There was no interruption, objection or point of order. That made Trump angry. He was critical of Kevin McCarthy for boycotting the committee instead of giving pro- Trump Republicans a voice.

It would have been wise to put more Republicans on the committee. They don't have a voice. They don't have a thing to say.

McCarthy gambled that the hearings would be illegitimate, partisan and an attempt to distract from more pressing issues. The presence of more than a dozen Republican witnesses has undermined that argument.

McCarthy may have forgotten that Trump pays attention to TV, where the hearings are inescapable, prolonging the agony. They are penetrating Trump even if they aren't penetrating the Trump base.

After warning Trump that Joe Biden was the biggest threat to his reelection, his political instincts will now warn him that the January 6 committee poses a threat to his presidential ambitions.

The hearings painted a picture of a man who was detached from reality and peddling paranoia. He wanted to prolong his presidency. I can't believe a president would do something like that. He made baseless allegations without regard to how they would ruin individual lives.

Donald Trump should be the next president of the United States, according to a source close to the real estate mogul. It's nobody.

Questions over whether he still has a tight grip on the "Make America great again" movement have arisen because of his chequered record of endorsements in this year's Republican primary elections. The hearings could turn him into a damaged goods and give Maga fans some reasons to look for better alternatives.

Frank Luntz is a political consultant and pollster. People are leaving Trump for the first time. His endorsement is more important than anyone else's in the Republican party. He is the most influential but he is losing control.

The governor of Florida is gaining on Trump in opinion polls. According to the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, a survey of 300 likely Republican voters in New Hampshire, the first presidential primary state, found 39% of them wanted Ron DeSantis to be the next nominee, while 37% preferred Trump.

At the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Nashville, Tennessee, Pam said that she still supports Trump, but that she finds herself in a minority among her friends who have moved on. They said to get with the program. She was quoted as saying, "Why aren't you supporting him?"

The baggage of the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection would be removed if the two men went head-to-head. While the former president harps on the past, the governor would be seen as the candidate of the future. It turns out that Trump's big lie could prove to be his biggest liability.