The woman who helped another guy out of a jam is being called a "wonder woman". A passenger on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York collapsed and was rushed to by a stewardess. The man in his 70s fell to the floor while walking past her and her bodyguard who were sitting in first class. We're told that when the flight attendants yelled for help, she sprang out of her seat and helped the man. The passengers say that after getting in touch with her brother-in-law, a doctor, she began to check if the man was having a heart attack or brain bleed. The passenger's heart rate was being monitored by the bodyguard. People say there was a surgeon on the plane who was willing to take over for the guard. One of the flight attendants said she was a Wonder Woman and gave her two bottles. There are two things: wine and champagne. The plane turned around and the man was taken off the plane by EMTs. The incident was confirmed by a rep for American airlines. The legend of Camille is growing.