Pools and phones don’t play well together.
Image: Australia Competition and Consumer Commission / Samsung Australia

The Federal Court ordered the company to pay a fine for misleading marketing. The ads suggested that some of its water-resistant phones could be used in pools and beaches, which is against the advice of the website.

The ads ran between March 2016 and October of last year. It is possible to submerge them in water for up to 30 minutes at a depth of 1.5 meters. saltwater and chlorine pool water are different matters.

Samsung’s ads implied that it’s okay to take your phone surfing. It is not advisable to take your phone surfing.
Image: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission / Samsung Australia

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission took the company to task for making these claims, and the Federal Court ordered them to pay up. Hundreds of complaints from people who said their phones malfunctioned or stopped working after being exposed to water were reviewed by the ACCC. If the phone is used in saltwater or chlorinated water and then charged before the port is completely dry, the charging port is a weakness.

There are certain limitations to a strong waterproof rating. It's a good idea to take a swim with your phone, but only if you're careful.