There are five planets in the predawn sky this week and the early bird can see them.

A rare planetary alignment has been visible. Mercury is at its best this week and the waning moon is joining the parade of planets.

"This is early morning, so you have to set the alarm in order to do it, but it's just a fun time to go see planets in the sky," said the director of public observing at the Adler Planetarium.

Four planets line up in a row in the sky.


How to watch the five-planet alignment

The alignment can be seen just before dawn in the northern hemisphere. 45 minutes before sunrise is the best time to see something.

The planets will move from the east to the south. The planets will be lined up in their order from the sun. The quintuplet will be visible to the naked eye just before dawn in the constellation Capricornus. According to, Jupiter will be visible to the naked eye as a very bright body next to a bright star.

Mars is a planet that is easy to pick out because of its reddish color. The planets will rise to the left of Mars. Mercury will be the last to appear in the sky before the sun rises.

The signpost for Mercury will be found just below and to the right of the crescent on June 27th. The bull in the constellation Taurus has an orange-tinted star called Aldebaran as its eye.

The best way to pick out planets is to look for light. The stars and planets are not the same.

The moon will swoop across this group of planets throughout the week. The moon will be to the left of Mars. It will become a crescent between Mars and Venus each night. According to, if you break out the binoculars before dawn on June 27, you'll be able to see the last 3% of the moon sitting to the left of Mercury.

What is a planetary alignment?

All of the visible planets are on one side of the sun. The planets look like they are next to each other because of a lack of depth perception.

The last time the planets were aligned was in 2020.

Even in the presence of light pollution, the alignment will be visible even if some of the planets are low to the horizon.

The original publication was on Live Science.