Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker holds rally day before primary election. (Photo: Megan Varner/Getty Images)
Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker holds rally day before primary election. (Photo: Megan Varner/Getty Images)

Herschel Walker is a GOP Senate candidate. The photo was taken by Megan Varner.

There are 50 states in the US.

Walker said there were 52 in an interview.

Walker said that he was tired of hearing about Georgia being the best state in the country to do business when he was running for governor.

The state has problems with mental health treatment. Republicans seized upon the remark and used it to criticize her, although she stood by her belief that Kemp is a failed governor.

Walker said in an interview that she should move to another state because she had 51 other people to choose from.

He told them to leave if they didn't believe in the country. Why are you in this state? Why don't you go somewhere else? You can go to 51 other states.

She said that Hershel knew there were 50 states.

The campaign of Walker, a former football player, has been filled with controversy.

He has been accused of domestic violence and of being a missing father. Walker railed against fatherless homes while talking about his son Christian. According to The Daily Beast, Walker has at least three other children that he doesn't talk about.

Walker believes that apes and humans are related.

Science said that man came from apes. Why are there apes? In March, Walker said, "think about it."

It was not clear what that was or how it would solve the problem after Walker called for a department that could look at young men that were looking at women that were on social media.

The article was first published on HuffPost.
