Miami Dade County
Image of a Miami Dade County police vehicle.Gianrigo Marletta/AFP via Getty Images
  • There was a heated exchange between a black man and a Miami-Dade police officer on TikTok.

  • The man said he was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt.

  • Nicolas is heard in the video being told how he gets killed.

A video posted to TikTok last week shows a Florida police officer telling a black man that he pulled him over because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

The man told NBC 6 that he was pulled over by a motorcycle cop in North Miami Beach on June 15 because he was not wearing a seat belt.

Nicolas said that the officer was mad at him because he couldn't find his wallet, and that he started filming because he was scared for his life.

You can watch it here.

@giliam509 #Being ♬ original sound - Bab9

Nicolas was told by the officer to give him his driver's license, registration, and insurance. You won't be going to work if that's the case. A simple thing. This is how you guys end up dead here.

Do you know what? Are you going to say that again? Nicolas told him to say what he just said.

Nicolas' car door was shut before the officer walked away to check his license.

Nicolas uploaded the video on TikTok.

Nicolas told NBC 6 that he didn't think his life would last. I didn't see my wallet so I was looking for it. He became angry.

An investigation was opened after George A. Perez found out about the video. The officer in the video was moved to desk duty.

Insider did not get a response from the Miami-Dade Police Department.

The president of the South Florida Police Benevolent Association told the Herald that he doesn't believe the officer's comments were racist and that the officer could have been referring to how not wearing a seat belt can kill you.

Stahl said that people die from not wearing seat belts.

Nicolas told NBC 6 that he was given a ticket for not wearing a seat belt but that he was not arrested.

You can read the original article.