There is a person by the name ofClare Wilson.

Woman standing on one leg

The ability to stand on one leg is crucial.

The title is "BazDil."

According to a study out this week, people who can't balance on one leg for 10 seconds are more likely to die than people who can. People should stand on one leg at home. This is what the scientists say.

What did the study investigate?

People between the ages of 51 and 75 were asked to stand on one leg and touch the other with one foot. The rate of death for those who couldn't do it was higher than the rate for those who did. Most of the people in the study were whites.

Could the findings be related to other factors, rather than ill health?

They were able to. If you are older, you are more likely to die than if you are younger. The majority of those over 70 were unable to take the test. When the results were adjusted for factors such as age, weight, sex and ill health, they found that people who couldn't pass the balance test had double the death rate.

Why would doctors ask people to do this test?

People can be seen standing on one leg to test balance. Falls are a major killer of older people, usually because if they fall over, they will break a hip and need surgery, with some never regaining their mobility. David said it can be a spiral.

So were the deaths in this study related to falls?

It is not known how much falls contributed to the deaths of 123 people. Cancer, heart disease and respiratory diseases were the major causes of death. Falls and recovery from surgery could have contributed to some of the deaths.

How else could balance be linked to death rate?

The ability to stand on one leg depends on a number of factors, including leg strength and balance. People who have heart disease or cancer tend to be less active and less strong. He says that the ability to balance is linked with strength in the legs.

Are the findings surprising?

Similar tests can provide clues about our health. Older people are more likely to die from heart disease if they are asked to walk 6 metres as fast as possible. The ability to stand up from sitting on the floor is related to the overall death rate. A poor grip strength is associated with a higher risk of death, according to several studies.

Should doctors start asking people to do the test?

In their paper, the researchers said that the test could be used as part of a routine physical examination for middle-aged and older adults. They say it is easy to incorporate in routine practice. Busy family doctors in the UK may not have enough time to do their job.

How can I improve my balance?

The study doesn't show that trying to improve balance could help you live longer because it may be that overall fitness and body strength is affecting the link between passing the balance test and death. Muscular strength is the most important fitness goal for older adults. We only have a limited amount of time in the day.

People with better balance are less likely to fall over. If you want to improve your balance, you can do simple exercises such as walking in a line as if you are on a tightrope, or standing on one leg.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine can be found in the book section.

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