There is a person named Obi-Wan.
The season finale of Obi-Wan is out today on Disney Plus, and while the actors have said they would return for another go-round, this was written as a stand alone series. It is easy to see how they could end it here if they wanted to.
The quality of Obi-Wan Kenobi's six episodes has been variable, but the last two weeks have been pretty good, and this season 1 finale is actually great.
The following arespoilers.
Let me tell you that again.
The main attraction here is a battle between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan on a planet after Obi-Wan escapes from the refugee cruiser.
I have seen lightsaber battles in live-action Star Wars productions before, but this is the best I have seen so far. Ben finally unleashing more Force potential than we've ever seen from him as he sling boulders at Vader, it's all pretty amazing. He doesn't say "I have the higher ground", but he does say "I have the higher ground."
Ben got the better of Vader by chopping up his robot suit and revealing the scars on his former friend's face. It is a well-acted scene that shows him being inside the armor for the entire movie. This moment is so good that it makes sense that Clone Wars did this first in Ahsoka and Vader.
A man named Vader.
I was a little confused by Reva's storyline, which she thought would be revenge on Vader, given that she knows he's his son. It seems like she doesn't know whether or not Vader knows this.
I like the parallels of what they did with Reva, since she was a youngling who watched her friends slaughtered by Vader, but she chooses not to become that. If the rumors of a Reva spin-off are true, this would seem to be where it would start, but I am not sure how crazy that would be.
There are some nice moments with Ben and Leia in the epilogue, and a great "Hello there" when he finally gets to meet the person he's been looking for. The show sneaks in two last minute cameos, the Emperor ordering Vader to stop chasing Kenobi as it's affecting his more important work, and then Qui-Gon shows up as a Force ghost, which the show has been broadcasting. It was enjoyable to see.
Again, Obi-Wan Kenobi could easily wrap things up here, but we will have to wait for a second season. It would be foolish to stack more Vader-Kenobi battles after this. I liked the series more after it pulled things together for the finale
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