President Trump in the Oval Office with Jared Kushner speaking behind him.
President Donald Trump listens as Jared Kushner speaks in the Oval Office of the White House on September 11, 2020.Andrew Harnik/AP Photo
  • Reports say that Trump aides didn't know that a film maker was recording him.

  • The footage was subpoenaed by the committee.

  • It's not clear what the video will reveal about Trump's actions that day.

According to reports, Donald Trump's aides didn't know a documentary was about the former president until the House committee subpoenaed it.

On Tuesday, the existence of the footage was reported by Politico.

The outlet said that the House committee asked for several months of footage of Trump and that he gave it to them.

According to the New York Times, many top Trump advisers were surprised by the news of the project.

It was conceived as a "legacy project" for Trump, according to the Times.

The Times was able to see some of the footage, which showedIvanka Trump speaking in support of her father's attempt to undermine the election result.

She had claimed that she had rejected his election fraud claims after learning they were not supported by evidence.

Trump 2020 campaign aides told Robert Costa that they remembered a documentary crew coming to film at campaign headquarters, and that the project had surprised campaign lawyers.

—Robert Costa (@costareports) June 21, 2022

The film crew had had months of access to Trump and his family, according to Trump aides.

A former campaign official asked what the fuck was.

It's not clear what could be contained in the footage.

According to the committee, Trump was at the center of an effort to overturn his defeat in the 2020 election.

The case against Trump is based on the allegation that he knew his election fraud claims were false but pushed them anyway, hoping to cling to power and raise huge sums of money.

Trump told a former aide that he lost to Biden in the election, according to testimony.

He said that he made the film because he wanted to understand the Trumps.

There was no agenda coming into this for me as a British film maker. He wrote that they wanted to better understand who the Trumps were.

Business Insider has an article on it.