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The spike was much hotter than anticipated.

Canada's annual inflation rate accelerated to 7.7 per cent in May.

The annual inflation rate in Canada increased in May.

The photo was taken by STEFANI REYNOLDS.

The annual inflation rate jumped to its highest level in nearly 40 years in May due to soaring gas prices.

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The agency says its consumer price index rose 7.7 per cent in May, its largest increase since January 1983 and up from a 6.8 per cent increase in April.

Energy prices rose 34.8% compared with a year ago, while gasoline prices increased 48.0 per cent compared with a year ago. The annual inflation rate in May was 6.3 per cent, up from 5.8 per cent in April.

The price of almost everything in the grocery cart went up, as the cost of food bought at stores rose by nearly 10% compared with a year ago.

The cost of services rose in May due to Canadians travelling and eating out more often.

The price of traveller accommodations increased by 40.2 per cent while the price of food purchased from restaurants increased by 6.8 per cent.

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