The new date is Jun 21, 2022.
The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety said that the local law enforcement response to the Uvalde school shooting was an "abject failure".
Steven C. McCraw is the Director and Colonel of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The photo was taken by the Anadolu Agency.
During a Texas state senate hearing, McCraw testified that the only thing that stopped a hallway of dedicated officers from entering room 112 was the on- scene commander.
Uvalde school district police Chief Pete Arredondo has been criticized for waiting over an hour for additional tactical teams and equipment after he decided that the suspect was not an active shooter.
"This was never anything more than an active shooter," he said.
Even if Arredondo had his radio with him, it wouldn't work in the west portion of the school.
Even though the school had a fence around it, and even though a teacher closed a propped open door after she saw the shooter, the door did not have a locking mechanism.
Arredondo was waiting for a radio and a rifle. He was waiting for a shield. He was waiting for the police to arrive. He waited for a key that didn't need to be used.
The door where the shooter had barricaded himself inside was locked because of a previous issue with the locking mechanism, but it is not certain if that is the case. The door was locked from the outside and there was no indication that officers tried to open it.
Fourteen minutes and eight seconds were spent. Children were in one of the classrooms with the shooter until law enforcement entered the building.
Here's everything that turned out to be false.
The police chief of Uvalde didn't have radio with him during the shooting.
The teacher closed the door before the shooting.