Francia will be the first black vice president in a government that was elected on a platform of change.

The country's first left-wing leader will be installed as president after he ran on a ticket with another person. After campaigning on a plan to move the economy away from oil and coal production, they were voted in on Sunday.

There are proposals to end the awarding of oil exploration licenses that have investors worried.

As thousands cheered, she said, "This is the government of the people with calloused hands" Women are going to end patriarchy in this country. We will be fighting for the rights of Mother Earth.

The country is bracing for historic change with the election of Petro as president.

She became an activist at the age of 13 when her community was threatened by a dam. She left school at the age of 16 to raise her son and later worked in small-scale gold mining and was a single mother. After finishing school, she earned a degree as a lawyer.

Gang threats

Slaves from Africa were brought to the region to work in the mines. The impact that illegal gold mining was having in the rural areas where the rivers were being poisoned with mercury was the subject of a 350 kilometer march by 80 women.

All illegal miners and equipment were removed. She was forced to flee in 2015 due to threats made by the gangs who control the business. She won the Goldman Environmental Prize for her work in fighting illegal mining.

Petro's focus on wealth redistribution and a green economy was added to by his choice of Marquez as his vice-president. As the race turned against him, it helped his chances of victory.

Petro was the highest vote winner in history, asPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikiPukiWikisPukiWikiPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWikisPukiWiki The young people who want to fight climate change, as well as attracting women and Black voters, have been helped by the work of the man.

The government will create a ministry of equality.

Vamos a crear el Ministerio de la Igualdad. Yo vengo de un pueblo y una región históricamente olvidada. Mi tarea es dar garantía de derechos a esos territorios excluidos y marginados, garantizar derechos a poblaciones afrodescendientes e indígenas. @NoticiasCaracol #GanóColombia

— Francia Márquez Mina (@FranciaMarquezM) June 20, 2022

I'm from a forgotten town. She wants to guarantee rights to those excluded and marginalized territories.

(Adds plans for a new ministry in 10th paragraph. An earlier version corrected the name of Marquez’s birth town.)