Contributors' opinions are their own.

Teamwork is important to the bottom line and is not underestimated. Collaboration and better performance can be achieved by working together. It follows, then, that leaders often have a willingness and desire to help teammates, but the most effective of them also understand that just being willing isn't enough, that they need to make colleagues feel comfortable reaching out for assistance by presenting themselves as welcoming and personable.

That's why I've started asking my team, "How can I help?", and what initially appeared to be just a simple query has changed the company culture and its performance. Some of its effects are listed here.

"My door is always open" is a commonly used phrase that shows a willingness to help whenever it's needed. This blanket statement doesn't encourage colleagues to raise their hand for support.

If you want to help, ask how you can. During one-on-one meetings or when checking in on a project, try to ask the question. It makes staff members comfortable talking about their needs, which leads to happier employees and a boost in overall morale.

2. Instills a Sense of Value

Asking "How can I help?" benefits the recipient of the question, as well as the leader, who typically face responsibilities that can result in feeling disconnected from teams and their day-to- day work. This approach reminds you of the value you bring to the company.

When colleagues share how I can help them, it's incredibly rewarding. These conversations strengthen my relationships with my colleagues and provide reassurance that I am a valuable contributor.

How gracious leadership can boost business performance.

3. Builds Communication Skills

General statements don't always foster a welcoming company culture. "My door is always open" and "How can I help?" have the same intentions, but they generate vastly different responses. It is possible to understand how a team thinks by adjusting to a more direct approach. It was not an indication that colleagues didn't need help, but that they weren't sure how to ask for it and that they would be seen as lacking capability if they did. Adapting to and embracing different communication styles is part of being an effective leader.

4. Leads to Broader Opportunities

The beginning stages of a career are often filled with chasing dreams. There is a misconception that once you become a leader you have access to all the opportunities you want. Even at the leadership level, there will always be projects that don't need you. It is possible that their work is considered below your pay grade.

Asking others how you can help will lead to more opportunities, and this is something you should embrace throughout your career. Asking colleagues if they need help can lead to new opportunities.

There are three must-have attributes for great business leadership.

5. Produces Stronger Results

Back in the day, you were solely responsible for finishing the project. Is it possible that you spent too much time staring at a proposal or hitting a roadblock? Fresh thinking and collaboration with colleagues would strengthen needed deliverables. Taking the initiative to help leads to more robust outputs and higher quality work.

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