The first Apple store to win formal recognition was in Maryland. The union got 65 yes votes and 33 no votes.

Apple tried to discourage its retail workers from joining a union. A video was sent to 58,000 retail staff by the company's vice president of people and retail. It would be more difficult to change in stores with a union standing between Apple and employees, but workers don't think that change is possible without having a formally recognized bargaining unit, according to O'Brien.

A store in Atlanta was supposed to be the first in the country to hold a union election, but the organizers withdrew their request due to Apple's use of illegal union busting tactics. The Cumberland Mall store in Atlanta had 70% of their employees sign union authorization cards when they filed for an election. Apple has increased retail pay to a minimum of $22 an hour.

The store in Maryland will become a part of the Coalition of Organized Retail Employees. They wrote a letter to Tim Cook after announcing their intention to unionize.

The letter said that the workers came together as a union because of their love of their job and out of care for the company. The decision to form a union is about gaining access to rights that we don't currently have, and that's why we're forming a union.

The first Apple store in the country to unionize may lead to other stores doing the same. The Grand Central Terminal store in New York City is one of many Apple stores that are interested in organizing.

Apple is working with a law firm that supports Starbucks' anti-union push. Starbucks workers have won a lot of union elections. The first Starbucks store to unionize was in Buffalo, New York. Stores in 30 states have unionized.

After reaching out to an Apple spokesman, they didn't hear back.

Apple VP kindly reminds retail workers that they can say no to unions

A second Apple Store files to hold a union election