She's out bargain hunting because she knows that she could be on the hook for millions. Check out this video, which shows her shopping at a TJ Maxx in New York with her sister, Whitney Henriquez, who testified on her behalf. At one point, they were heard discussing white linen pants, as they browsed the rack for clothes. The sisters had a lot of things in their basket. She scrammed when she saw the cameras rolling. We don't know what, if anything, they left the store with, but it's interesting that they are here in the wake of all this. It remains to be seen if Johnny and his team will enforce the damages awarded to them by the jury. His attorneys could not say if they would not. Not to mention the fact that she keeps threatening to appeal and the fact that she has been doing press recently. If he holds her to the judgement, time will tell. Not only could she be forced to pay this money she doesn't have, but she's also at risk of losing a lot of work in the future. She hasn't been booked a lot recently. It's possible that no one is calling her phone for acting jobs because she has a daughter. She was paid a couple million dollars for 'Aquaman 2'. Hit up TJ Maxx when things get tough. I don't think there's any shame in that.