A baby aardvark was born at the San Diego Zoo for the first time in 38 years.

The baby was born to Zola and Azaan at 4 lbs. The staff at the zoo said that she has grown to 13 pounds in just a few weeks.

Cari Inserra, lead wildlife care specialist at the San Diego Zoo, said that they are excited to have this small animal in their care. Just hours after her birth, she was digging like an adult aardvark with her sharp claws.

Aardvark cub at the San Diego Zoo
Aardvark cub digging a hole
Ken Bohn/San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

The zoo said that the mother and her baby will stay in an off-view habitat for two months to bond. When the mother is ready, she'll bring the animal outside.

Zola is an excellent mother and nurse. Inserra said that they couldn't wait until they were able to introduce the cub to the zoo guests.

Aardvarks are nocturnal animals. A majority of their diet is insects.

The zoo says that they have a pig-like snout, long tail, and poor eyesight, but a keen sense of smell.