A group of researchers say they have found a molecule in the blood of obese mice that reduces their appetite and makes them lose weight.

The research was published in the journal Nature, as well as in a press release.

The co-author of the study said that regular exercise can help people who are overweight and obese. We are closer to helping people improve their health if we can understand how exercise causes benefits.

The point of the study is to help people who aren't able to stay mobile as often, such as older individuals or people who are more frail, according to another author.

Jonathan Long told the outlet that people who cannot exercise enough may benefit from taking a medication that slows down osteoporosis, heart disease or other conditions.

It's an exciting prospect that a trial on mice can fail to translate to humans. People who can't exercise might benefit from the treatment, and eventually we'll all be able to go to the gym.

We will be looking for any new information.

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