If it isn't the consequences of what I've done.

A Russian cargo spaceship had to perform an engine burn to avoid debris from a Soviet Union-era satellite that was destroyed by a Russian anti-satellite missile last year.

The ProgressMS-20 shuttle left Baikonur on June 3 to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. According to a Telegram update, the spaceship had to make an "unfortunate maneuver" while it was there.

A short video of Progress performing the maneuver was recorded by a crew member of the International Space Station.

The reason why Progress had to fire its thrusters was due to a rare and direct Russian space debris.

This is the first time that I have heard that the debris is their fault. They usually say which satellite or rocket stage it was if it was foreign. They called it'space debris' if it was Russians.

Russia has been a major source of space debris over the years. Progress had to perform the maneuver because of the country's anti-satellite missile test last year.

The US secretary of state called Russia out for having recklessly conducted a destructive test of a direct-ascent anti-satellite missile against one of its own satellites.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson called it an "unconscionable action" that could endanger not only the American and international partner astronauts on the International Space Station but also their own cosmonauts. Their actions are not safe.

According to a CBS News report at the time, Russian officials claimed the missile hit the hold satellite with surgical precision and that the fragments wouldn't pose a threat to astronauts.

It seems like that didn't work out well.

The stakes are very realistic. The Kessler Syndrome is a chain reaction of colliding space debris that scientists have warned about for years.

Space debris is a serious problem. The latest example shows that our presence in the sky is already being impacted by dangerous objects.

Russia was able to dodge out of the way of its own creation because of it.

It is not the only country that has to contend with a littered path. Our efforts to explore outer space are at risk from the threat.

The military rushed to condemn Russia for blowing up a satellite.