Notch on new MacBook Pro
The notch found on last year’s MacBook Pros.
Photo by Phil Esposito / The Verge

The display notch has become a thing of the past for most people. Feelings are more raw when it comes to the cutout of the MacBook Pro. Ian Keen is trying to make AirDropping files easier by turning a chunk of missing screen into a feature.

The developer showed how the app causes the notch to flash when the user drags AirDrop compatible files. A traditional AirDrop share window opens up showing in-range devices that the files can be sent to, if these can be dragged and dropped onto the notch itself. It's a neat shortcut compared to Apple's official approach, which typically involves either opening up a file and navigating to its Share menu, Control-clicking on the file, or navigating to the dedicated Air Drop section in Finder.

The developer hopes to have a limited version of the app available on TestFlight in the near future. He says it should also work on MacBooks with no notch.