We talked to the basketball player who saved the refs life about everything from what was going through his mind to the health status of John Sculli. A basketball player in Toledo saved the life of a ref during a game last weekend. A ref collapsed on the floor during the Toledo Glass City's game against the Jackals in June. You can see in the footage that John Sculli lay motionless for a while. When he got to the man, he didn't know if he was breathing or if he was dead, so he began cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the help of another ref. Thanks to his efforts, Sculli is expected to have surgery this week to fix his health issues. The 25-year-old said it was "kind of instinct." I was surprised that I could switch into that mode so quickly. You are not off the job when you are a firefighter. You need to keep an eye out for the community. I did not feel like I went out of my way to do something special. It is what I was told to do. The Almighty was able to help me. I don't think I'm any different than other people. He drove to NY for the playoffs after working a 24 hour shift as a firefighter. capes are not always used by heroes. Colleen Cali