I don't like coffeepods. I've never received a decent cup of coffee from the likes of Keurig. It's hard on the environment to bury those beans in plastic. I was a little hesitant when I saw the email.
The company that sold convenience in a small cup of coffee shipped it to you frozen and packed in dry ice. I was ready to go on a rant about how bad single-use coffee Pods are. I tried it a number of times. I drink it all the time. I used to have afternoon iced coffee. I wouldn't have believed you if you had warned me that I would be typing that sentence.
There is death before there is death.
The photograph is of a comet.
Coffee makes me sad. It is similar to waking up in a cheap hotel and having to pack your clothes so you don't miss your flight. If you wake up and realize you slept through your alarm, you might lose your job. I don't like drinking coffee than drinking instant coffee.
Fresh-brewed coffee is what makes my morning. I don't like any of the grocery store brands. I'll drink it if that's the case. All single-serving coffee-pods are selling convenience.
There is a world of difference between one of these little coffeepods and anything you would get out of a Keurig or freeze-dried powder. Once you're ready for a cup, you'll be able to open your freezer and get your coffee.
It takes your kettle to boil if you drink it hot. Add hot water after popping the Pod into a cup. If you want it iced, thaw it for about five minutes in warm water, or you will end up with a coffee puck in your milk. It's a time saver if you want a cup on the go or if you're impatient. There is a difference between coffee that tastes good and coffee that tastes bad.
There is a fresh shot of espresso on the side by side with the coffeepods. You get out of a bottle of cold brew at the grocery store and it reminds you that it isn't fresh. It is difficult to tell the difference between an Americano and one made with hot water.