SwitchBot’s new smart door lock takes a unique approach to unlocking your door.
Image: SwitchBot

The company that makes tiny robotic fingers to press your switches is branching out. The SwitchBot Lock sticks to your door, and when you thumb turn it will lock and unlocks it. This is the simplest retrofit smart lock solution. It is possible to install it in seconds since there is no need to remove the door lock. It looks a bit strange.

The SwitchBot Lock will be available at both Amazon and the SwitchBot store on June 20th.

There are two versions of the SwitchBot KeyPad, one with a fingerprint reader. They’re sold separately from the lock.
Image: SwitchBot

You can control the lock with your phone or watch when you are near the door. An auto-lock feature is included. If you want to control the lock when you are away from home using the SwitchBot app, you will need to pick up a SwitchBot Hub Mini.

The lock is compatible with most deadbolt locks and comes with three different-sized thumb turns. Additional accessories are being worked on by SwitchBot. The lock's thumb will turn automatically when the thumb pops into it. It can be controlled manually.

This is a good option for people who rent. You don't need to mess with the door or touch the lock to use the SwitchBot Lock. Six months of battery life is promised by the two CR123A batteries.

A diagram of how the smart door lock operates.
Image: SwitchBot
Examples of lock styles the SwitchBot works with.
Image: SwitchBot

You can use the app, voice control, and the keypads, as well as your existing key, to keep your door unlocked.

There aren't many retrofit door lock options on the market, where you don't have to replace your whole door lock. The August wi-fi smart lock is much more expensive at $230 but doesn't require a hub, and there is also the $125 wyze lock. Some of your lock needs to be removed. The SwitchBot Lock is an innovative way to create a smart door lock.