After it completes work on Starfield sometime next year, and then transitions to full-scale production on The Elder Scrolls 6, it will be time for its next project, according to the company. Todd Howard, the studio's creative director, talked about that in an interview.

Howard told the outlet that Elder Scrolls 6 is in pre-production and that there will be a fifth game in the series after that. There are some other projects that we look at from time to time. I would really like them to come out quicker. We want them to be as good as they can be for everyone.

The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield were both going to be worked on by the company. The latter won't be released until sometime in 2027. It will take another five years for the sequel to arrive if there is another five years spent on the game. Microsoft and Sony could announce new hardware at that time. A game about a post-apoclypse would become redundant if Catastrophic Climate Change became so bad. The next mainline entry in the series will take a long time to arrive.