The security bulletin and fixes for the devices were released by the company.
Exploits and other security concerns affect the whole of the operating system. The issues with the operating system, kernels patches, and driver updates need to be fixed in the Android base by the folks maintaining the operating system code. The company has made improvements this month.
There are updated factory images for the devices that are still supported. You can download and flash the factory image if you don't want to wait. The link will take you to the start.
The company that made your phone uses these patches to send an update out to you.
The changes have been released to the people who make the best phones for at least 30 days, but they cannot be forced to deliver them to you. You should not try to flash any of the above files if you are using a phone from one of the aforementioned manufacturers. The patch can be sent out before the deadline so that the exploits are not publicized.
Safety checks are in place to make sure you don't have any issues with your phone. When you add an app to your phone, it's always a good idea to keep it up to date by updating it to the latest version of Play Services. This is where you can find details aboutAndroid enterprise security.
Project Mainline gives the chance for security updates to be given to devices with later versions of the OS.
The updates are specific to the size of the device.
Every month, there are patches for the phones that are currently being supported by the company. Bug fixes and new features were included with the security patch.
The June 22nd security bulletin can be found on theAndroid Security website. The security patch notes for the devices are explained here.
You can find all the information on the website.