According to Bill Stepien, the Trump team was divided into two groups after the election.

During the second of the committee's six public hearings, a clip of Stepien's testimony was played. Stepien was asked if he had pulled back from the Trump camp to protect his reputation.

Stepien was asked if he didn't want to be associated with what the Giuliani team was saying after he left.

Being categorized did not bother me. Two groups of people were present. They were referred to as my team and Rudy's team. Stepien said he didn't mind being described as part of Team Normal, as reporters started to do around that time.

Stepien said that he had worked in political campaigning for a long time, with his work ranging from former President Donald Trump to former President George W. Bush.

He quit after the election because he didn't think what was happening was professional.

Stepien said that he can work under a lot of different circumstances. I hope a good reputation for being honest and professional, and I didn't think what was happening was necessarily honest or professional at that point in time.

Giuliani led the Trump campaign's legal team and led a press conference where he made baseless claims about voter fraud.

Four months before the 2020 election, Stepien became Trump's campaign manager. After his wife went into labor, Stepien bowed out of testifying at the second hearing.