There will be a different set of monetization systems in the next game. According to the general manager of the franchise, D4 is a full-price game built for PC/ PS/Xbox audiences. For years to come, we will deliver an incredible breadth of content, anchored around optional cosmetic items and full story-driven expansions.

There is an in-game marketplace where players can purchase optional cosmetics, an "empowered" battle pass and "eternal orbs," a premium currency that can be exchanged for the game's controversial "legendary" According to the gaming community, the game features some of the most aggressive and predatory monetization systems found in a game. It would take someone 10 years or more to acquire enough gems to equip their character with the best gear, according to one estimate. Fans of the game have been concerned that a similar set of monetization systems will be used in the next game.

The statement suggests that Diablo IV will be close to Diablo III. Though it launched with a controversial in-game auction house, the former did not feature microtransactions and went on to support the title with two DLCs. A lot of fans are concerned that the mention of cosmetics could mean more microtransactions than the company is suggesting. Since many games, including Immortal, incorporate them as a completion reward, there is a chance that a paid battle pass would be made available.