ellie and alan in a tent filled with crap

It has been almost 30 years since the first movie in the series was released. Does it work? The film has a sweeping scope with globetrotting action but in the end, we here at io9 were left with more questions than answers about the state of the dinosaur world itself.

There are fifteen questions. There are many questions regarding the movie "Jurassic World" Don't be afraid, though. Many of them don't have answers and they're full of information.

Image for article titled 15 Questions We Have After Jurassic World Dominion
Grant and Sattler.

It's true for real. The most terrible thing that could happen since the firstJurassic Park was the release of dinosaurs into the wild, and that's what Fallen Kingdom ended with. It feels like a whole movie was skipped about dinosaurs rampaging through cities, terrified humans, and the heroes who did their best to balance it, like a movie about dinosaurs rampaging through cities, scared humans, and the heroes who did their best to balance it, like a movie about dinosaurs

It's all done when Dominion begins. The story of saving the world from enhanced Locusts is supposed to be a metaphor for society. It seems disorganized. The idea of Locusts as the focus of the film was a way to make sure paleobotanist Ellie Sattler would be driving the story this time around. We will never say no to more Laura Dern.

Owen Grady wrangling a dinosaur

In the end of the movie, there is a hope that dinosaurs and modern society can coexist. There are some beautiful shots of dinosaurs running alongside other animals. Some dinosaurs will be trapped at the compound. Will the dinosaurs be sent there eventually or just a few? What will humans do to protect themselves? Is the law going to be passed? Society can adapt. There are a lot of questions left unanswered by the film. Don't fret. There are no Locusts left.

Sattler plays with a baby Trike.

At the end of the movie, we see two people going to court in DC to testify against BioSyn. Sattler said, "Let's finish this." She's talking about shutting down BioSyn. Is that the end of the dinosaurs? They were there for three hours. Maybe more info is needed if the movie is about the two characters getting back together.

Dr. Wu and a locust.

We understand this one a little bit. It was to an extent. It might be possible. At a few points in the film, Dr. Wong explains that Dodgson is not the only one who is being affected by the Locusts. It is necessary that they be stopped. Charlotte figured out how to cure a disease that she had by manipulating the genes of her children. The baby raptorBeta, who was conceived alone by Blue, is needed for comparison.

It is confusing for a number of reasons, but the assumption is that after everyone escapes the BioSyn location, Dr. Wu found the answer and used it on a Locust. Some of that could have been shown.

Malcolm and Dogson showdown.

It has been bothering me. I believe I have cracked it. We're aware that BioSyn is studying dinosaurs. They created these locusts to kill any crops not grown with BioSyn seed, which gave the company a monopoly on the world's food chain.

At some point, Dodgson realized this wasn't going so well so he decided to take the two girls. There is a risk that people will find out he is responsible if he asks nicely. At no point does Dodgson make it seem like he's doing this for a good cause. He okays the murder of Owen andClaire in order to cover it up, but that doesn't happen.

In a perfect world, Dodgson would have brought the two girls to BioSyn and no one would know about it. The whole thing started when Ramsey betrayed him, and then he was betrayed by two other people.

Sorry, no Lex or Tim in Dominion.

It is a shame that there are no kids in the movie, but it is also a shame that there are so many adults in it. The events of the first two films would have been great to see. Ditto to Malcolm's daughter, Kelly. She is mentioned when Malcolm talks about his kids. The kids should be at the center, that's what the first four movies all knew.

Kayla, Maisie, and Claire avoid a dino.

There is no plan of what to do with the girl. They have her living in a remote location with them because she is the world's most important intellectual property. She needs it for her protection. Shouldn't she attend school? Do you want to have a life? She is being kept in a prison. There is no indication that has changed since they rescued her and brought her home. The film ignores all of this because there isn't a good answer.

You may remember that a short film was released for the movie in theaters and online. It can be watched above. It mostly takes place in the time of the dinosaurs, when one of the mosquitoes used in the movie was traced. It looked like it was setting up a movie that would bring everything together.

That is not in the film. ColinTrevorrow said that the movie had to be cut because it was running too long. It makes sense as it isn't related to the movie we got. It didn't mesh with the reality of the movie and cutting it doesn't set up unrealistic expectations

A t-rex at the drive in

There was a sequence with a T-Rex in a drive-in. You didn't invent it. The end of the scene was used in many tie-ins for the show. When the movie's ending was cut out, so was the prologue. The merchandising and tie-ins are on a different time period than the filmmakers.

Alan, Maisie and Owen.

We don't know what to think about this one. Charlotte Lockwood, who was among the most important brains behind the movie, figured out a way to manipulate the genes in order to cure a disease. To give birth to your own clone. The two breakthrough sounds like they are significant. No one seems to be interested in what's happening. She was too smart for other people to figure it out. It isn't clear.

Claire's team from Fallen Kingdom, back for one scene in Dominion.

InGen is at the center of the story in many different ways. BioSyn is at the forefront of the movie. Having their dinosaurs released into the wild probably wasn't good for stock prices, but we don't know what happened to InGen. They may have gone under or had to be dissolved. It's odd not to introduce a new company that is very similar.

Mosasaurs eats a ship

Our heroes run around below the Giganotosaurus and the tyrannosaurus rex as they face off in the end of the movie. Therizinosaurus arrives with the Rex to defeat the Giganotosaurus. The idea of having two big dinosaurs fighting, and then a third one coming to finish the battle, is very similar to how the previous movie ended. The IndominousRex and T-Rex were fighting when Blue the raptor distracted the IndominousRex so that he could kill it. It's not the same, but very similar.

You think of Lewis Dodgson. He gave the can to Dennis Nedry in the first park, but it got buried in the mud as Nedry died. In the movie, we see that Dodgson has the ability to take back the island. What is that? In an interview, he said that the answer will be in the upcoming show on the streaming service. We saw a tease. Don't forget to watch above.

The locusts as seen in the first trailer.

I will concede. Would I allow killer Locusts to escape their habitat if I were breeding them? I don't believe that. After Dodgson torches all the Locusts, they get set on fire and escape from a sub basement. Is there a reason for this? We would think there is. If you need these creatures to have access to the outside, why don't you build their habitat in the sub basement? It seems like that space is a waste of space.

Is our nitpicky getting too much? I concur. There is one more

Kayla flying

You never say never in Hollywood when it comes to the last film of the "Jurassic Era". New characters like DeWanda Wise and Mamoudou Athie can be used by other filmmakers if they want to revisit the franchise again. There will be more movies in the future. It's questionable whether or not they should in the future.


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