Women's brains reach the highest temperatures in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and our grey matter can be over 2C warmer than the rest of our body.
There is a person by the name ofClare Wilson.
The brain can be a little hotter than the rest of the body.
There is Speed Kingz/Shutterstock.
According to a small study, healthy human brains can be as hot as 41C.
The findings could change the way brain injuries are treated. This will give us a better idea of how the brain works.
We had no way of knowing if the normal brain temperature was the same as the rest of the body. People with head injuries may have sensitive temperature probes put into their brains, but this isn't done to people who don't need their brain temperature monitored
The team looked at the brains of 40 people, half of whom were women, using a technique called magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which uses machines to measure the temperature of different parts of the brain. The technique was used for the first time to measure brain temperature over the course of a menstrual cycle. The study did not look at people who are different from themselves.
The brain temperature ranged from 36.1C to 40.9C with the average reading 2.5C higher than the body temperature recorded in the mouth The brain is very active.
The deepest part of the brain, the thalamus, had the highest readings. The temperature is hotter in the core. The team found that the brain is cooler at night than it is during the day.
During the second half of the menstrual cycle, the brains of women were 0.4C hotter than the brains of men.
The approach that may need revising is when doctors try to lower the body temperature of people with brain injuries. She says that they don't have any evidence to say that 40C is abnormal.
There is a journal reference to the brain.
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