Star map of Dschubba and the moon on June 12, 2022.

The moon will block the bright double star Dschubba, or Delta Scorpii, in an occultation on June 12, 2022. Stargazers in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada can see the stars slip behind the moon. (Image credit: Chris Vaughan)

Some stargazers may be able to see a double star in the night sky tonight because of the near full moon.

Delta Scorpii, also known as Dschubba, can be seen as it slips behind the moon in the evening. The exact time of the event varies depending on where you are, so you'll want to check out a skywatching app like SkySafari or software like Starry Night. We have picked the best stargazing apps.

The stars will be covered by the moon in New York City. The time is at 10:30 pm The moon will be behind the bright limb at 11:01 pm. Chris said to start watching a few minutes ahead of time.

There are planets in the June night sky.

The Delta Scorpii star system is located in the Scorpius constellation. The full moon will occur on Tuesday, June 14th.

The June full moon is also known as the Full Strawberry Moon because it occurs when the moon is near perigee. It will be called the strawberry super moon in 2022.

The Virtual Telescope Project is giving away a live stream of the strawberry super moon on Tuesday. A rare alignment of five bright planets can be seen in the early morning sky.

Our guides for the best deals on telescopes and binoculars can help you see stars like tonight's event. If you want to take a picture of the stars, you need the best cameras andlenses for Astrophotography.

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