• A finance executive was fired after a video showed him fighting.

  • Credit Suisse's Roman Cambell was fired after an altercation at a restaurant.

  • Sunabi Yi told Insider that her family is very traumatised by the incident.

The finance executive got into a fight with restaurant staff in New York City and was fired after the video went public.

Sunabi Yi, the daughter of the owners of the restaurant, said that Roman Cambell forced his way into the restaurant to use the bathroom.

Yi said that her mother told her that restrooms were only for customers when the incident happened. Sunabi Yi told the outlet that Cambell became aggressive with the staff.

Jane Yi recorded the incident on her phone as well. Sunabi Yi said that Cambell tried to grab Jane Yi's phone.

Yi told Insider that they were mentally traumatised. My mom was scared. Things were getting out of hand, so she called the police. He was going to wait for the police when he got to the back of the restaurant. If you don't call the police, they'll do it for you. I'm not going to leave.

The Independent reported that the restaurant's video showed Cambell pushing his way into the back of the restaurant while people tried to stop him.

Yi told Insider that his friends were pushing him out. After they got to the front of the restaurant, the cops showed up and he left the restaurant.

Yi told the Independent that Cambell hit a server about ten times.

He punched Jose's head. Yi said that she posted the video on social media to try and find the identity of the man who was fighting with his friends.

Yi told Insider that the waiter is doing better but still nervous about the incident.

He is doing a better job. He is afraid to serve customers that are drinking. Yi told Insider that his head was bruised for a few days.

A source close to the matter said that Cambell had been terminated.

Credit Suisse is aware of the allegations that are circulating on social media, which are unrelated to the company, according to a spokesman. Credit Suisse has a policy that condemns discrimination, bully or violence.

According to Yi, she has been in contact with the NYPD. She told Insider that the officers who came to the restaurant spoke to Cambell more than Yi's parents.

The cops didn't ask for the video recorder. We were not asked for our perspective on the matter. Yi said that the officers initially filed the case as harassment but are now viewing it as an assault.

The NYPD did not address Yi's other claims, despite the fact that a report was filed.

A 28-year-old man tried to remove a man from the location after he asked to use the bathroom. The individual did not go to the hospital. The investigation is still going on, according to the NYPD.

Business Insider has an article on it.