The idea of ufos is one of the most controversial issues in space. While many scientists agree that the odds are good that there could be life elsewhere in the universe, organizations like SETI have been searching for evidence of this for decades. The public still believes in the idea of alien spaceships in the sky

NASA is taking a "scientific perspective" on the issue of UAPs. While the agency makes it clear that there is no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrials in origin, there are plenty of objects which are spotted in the atmosphere which are difficult to identify. NASA wants to join the study because it wants to protect aircraft.

The study will be headed by an astronomer, David Spergel. To consider how it would be best to collect data on similar phenomena in the future, the idea is to look at the limited data that exists on UAPs.

The idea of spending time and money on fringey pseudoscience to people who aren't likely to trust NASA is going to be a contentious one.

In a traditional type of science environment, talking about some of these issues may be considered kind of selling out or talking about things that are not actual I just don't like that. The quality of science is measured by the outputs that come behind it, but also the questions we are willing to tackle with science.

The nine-month study is expected to include consultations with scientists and experts in the fields of aeronautics and data analysis. The report will be made public.

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