If bad weather clouds your view, don't worry, the full moon of June will be bright. You can watch the Full Strawberry Moon for free.

On Tuesday, June 14th, the Virtual Telescope Project in Ceccano, Italy will host a free live stream of the full moon. It will start at 3:15 pm. Live views of the full moon, the second super moon of the year, will be shown. The video feed has a live stream above it.

"We will admire the full moon rising above the glorious monuments of Rome, the

Eternal City," astrophysicist Gianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project wrote in an email alert. Masi will also host the webcast at the Virtual Telescope Project website (opens in new tab) and on YouTube (opens in new tab)

There are 7 unexpected big moon facts.

The June full moon is the second of four in a row in which the full moon coincides with the moon's closest point to the Earth. When the moon is farthest from Earth, it can appear up to 30% brighter and 18% larger, but it won't look different to the casual observer.

There will be a Full Strawberry Supermoon on Tuesday. The moon will be full before and after the event. The moon will be visible from June 13-15. The strawberry season coincides with the short one.

The supermoon of December 2017 rises in a NASA photo.

NASA photographer Bill Ingalls captured this photo of the December 2017 supermoon rising over a construction site in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 3. (Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)

The full moon of June will be the lowest full moon of the year, with the moon rising just 23.3 degrees above the southern horizon early on June 15 for observers in Washington, D.C. The summer solstice occurs on June 21.

The sun appears highest in the sky on the summer solstice. The summer solstice is when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky.

A full moon is one of the easiest events to observe and a great target for amateur astronomer just starting to observe. If you want to take pictures of the moon, we have the best cameras andlenses for it. We have a guide on how to take a photo of the moon with a camera.

Send your photo, comments, and your name and location to spacephotos@space.com if you want to share it with Space.com's readers.

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