The Telegram app's unlockable features will be available for paying users in the near future. Telegram is going to launch a subscription plan called Telegram Premium sometime this month, according to the founder. The plan will give paying users extra features, speed and resources, as well as first access to the app's latest offerings, according to Durov.
The service has been asked to raise the limits on its chats, media and file uploads. Doing so for everyone would lead to huge traffic and server costs. Telegram decided to offer those raised limits as a paid option in order to give its most demanding fans more.
Despite having a paid tier, Telegram will still be releasing new free features. Free users will be able to enjoy some of the Premium option's new futures, including being able to view larger-than-usual documents. Premium subscribers will have the ability to upload files up to 4GB in size and will enjoy up to twice the users' limits when it comes to the number of channels they can join, according to a previous report. We don't know if a Premium subscription will cost $5 a month or not.
Durov finished his announcement.
"While our experiments with privacy-focused ads in public one-to-many channels have been more successful than we expected, I believe that Telegram should be funded primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority."