The presence of 23 different amino acids was found after analyzing asteroid dust. The theory that space rocks brought life to Earth during the early days of the Solar System is supported by it.

The scientists from Okayama University in Japan claim to have found clues to the origin of life on Earth in the material taken from the asteroid.

There are huge implications of the discovery. "Scientists have been questioning how organic matter was created or where it came from, and the fact that amino acids were discovered in the past," said Kensei Kobayashi.

Distant Rendezvous

The Hayabusa2 mission traveled through outer space for six years in order to rendezvous with an asteroid. The returned samples are being analyzed by the team on the ground. The historic presence of liquid water is one of the intriguing clues about the origin of life.

Scientists are stunned by the look at a pristine rock, which is thought to have been formed around five million years ago.

The Japan Aeronautical Exploration Agency said that the sample has the most primitive characteristics of any natural sample.

The Hayabusa2 spaceship is on its way to another small asteroid, 1998 KY, which will hopefully give us another glimpse at life on Earth.

There are clues to the origin of life contained in asteroid samples.

The scientist left speechless after opening asteroid samples.