One of the most relaxed border approaches of any country was used by the US before introducing a rigid travel testing requirement which remains one of the most prohibitive in the world.

The US still requires all international travelers bound for the US to submit a test result before boarding. It is reported that that will end on June 12th.

Everything you need to know if you are traveling before the 12th of June is here. TheAmericans are back.

Demand from Americans wanting to leave the country should explode overnight.

US To Drop Travel Testing Requirement

Travel to the US has fallen behind other leading tourism nations and fewer Americans are going abroad on international trips.

A Covid-19 testing policy which requires travelers bound for or returning to the United States to submit a Covid-19 test result within a day of departure has people scared.

US residents and tourists don't want to be stranded abroad and tourists don't want to find out that their big trip to the US needs to be canceled the day before they leave.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the US international testing policy will end on June 12th, 2022.

It can't come soon enough for a lot of people. The jeopardy was brought on by the testing that suppressed demand.

There may be some initial confusion, but flights departing to the United States from Sunday the 12th of June onward don't need any testing. It will be true for visitors who are fully vaccine free.

If you travel to the US after June 12th, you won't need to take a test. With immediate effect, the risks of being stranded abroad, or having to cancel a US bound trip in the hours before departure should all be gone.

The US Lost Pace With Travel Boon

Asia was one of the most conservative countries in the world in regards to border policies. The US was supposed to be the last hold out.

The United States' entry policies are more restrictive than those in Asia. When the US changes course on the 12th, that will be different.

Most of Europe, Africa, South America, the Middle East and beyond can be entered without any testing.

This story will be updated with more information as they emerge. Expect to test if you travel between now and Sunday. You should be free and clear if you leave from midnight on the 12th. Don't forget your esta!

Are you missing travel to Thailand? It's a big day. Thailand is following in the footsteps of Australia and Singapore. The journey to testing free travel in Thailand has been similar to the Harry Potter books. It has been a long time since...

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There is one thing that is holding international travel back more than any other concern. Testing is what it is. People are concerned about the risks of testing positive just before a trip.

There is a travel news article.