Johnny Depp understands the power of TikTok, but his attorneys don't think it had anything to do with the verdict. Ben Chew told George Stephanopoulos that their strategy was to use Amber's own words against her. The jury was shown all it needed to know about the case. The jury reached the verdict solely based on the evidence presented by both sides, and TeamAmber's claim that the jury was influenced by the support for Johnny on social media was not true. The jury was not sequestered, and the criticism is that it would have been impossible for them to avoid the flood of posts. The verdict in Johnny's favor was not a blow to the #MeToo movement. It doesn't have a gender. She said the facts were what they were. There was a unanimous decision made by the jury. There was a question about Johnny striking a deal where he would let her off the hook for the $8.35 million judgment and she wouldn't file an appeal. You can watch their answer. Johnny wanted back his reputation and was not interested in getting money out of the case. ABC