There is a person named Obi-Wan.
There are two new episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi today.
I was fine.
There is nothing terribly compelling about the four episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi that have been aired so far.
Today's episode had Obi-Wan and his spy friend infiltrating Fortress Inquisitorious to save the damsel in distress. It was very similar to the original trilogy in that Obi-Wan and his friends saved Leia in the Death Star. The plan is pretty bland and there is one cool moment where Obi-Wan discovers a cache of Jedi. A room full of Stormtroopers is drowned by a few dudes when Obi-Wan sneaks in to get them. They are being watched.
The premise of the entire series was "wouldn't it be cool to see Obi-Wan again" Building a series around that idea has not gone well so far. Obi-Wan is in hiding, and we know that he will go back into hiding once she is back. Obi-Wan discovers that he has become Darth Vader.
There is an Obi Wan Kenobi character.
The other strange part is that fans are supposed to be thrilled that the actor who plays Vader is also the voice of Darth Vader, but we haven't done that yet. The show is likely to have a single scene like that in the finale.
There isn't a lot of work to be done with this job, that's for sure. I don't know if this is necessary or if it's just an answer to any questions people had before this.
Is it possible to create a series based on fan service? The return to the prequels seems to be what we are doing here because now those have come back into fashion. There isn't a meaningful product here. I would argue that the new era of Disney Star Wars has been mostly absent.
We already know where they go in the final two episodes, so we won't see where they go.
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